So, I thought I would start off this post with a picture of Andrew and I helping to set up at Scrapfest on Thursday night. We have a table with wheels to bring stuff in from the truck...and that is how Andrew transported me for most of the evening. Life is good!
Anyways! The poll for determining our next contest is now closed, and Remembrance is our winner with 7 votes! Christmas had 3 votes. SO...this is my thinking...since Remembrance seems to be a hot category (and that I just had Mom in panic mode for a week trying to make a Remembrance line...) I'm going to run that contest until November 14 (my birthdayyyy!!! huzzah!!).
Howeverrrrr...I do realize that Christmas is coming up - and quick (66 days, 1 hour, and 44 minutes to be exact....but who's counting?). I was thinking that all of you are probably Christmas card makers instead of store bought - because personally, if I ever got caught buying one from the store I would probably be shot on the spot by all of my friends. SO!! The month of November is going to have a little more action than the last few months! The Remembrance contest will close on November 14, and the Christmas contest will close on November 21. There's a week break, but you can send in entries to either contest at any time. P.S. for you Chapel Road fans, we do have a new release of Chapel Road Christmas stamps out if you haven't checked them out already!
The Halloween contest is ending on Sunday, October 24 - which is coming up really soon! We already have some entries, and from what I hear you bloggers are getting CrEaTiVe...I like it!!!
Okay team - I made Mom do some damage by creating a Remembrance Day line...don't give her reason to kill me!! Eeeeek!!!! I know you couldn't live a day without seeing what trouble I get up to...and for you who have been asking...she hasn't kicked me out yet!! *phew*
Have a great night everyone!!
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